The Site For Everything Bob

Bob Wise also referred to as "The Nightmare Landlord" is an American con artist, grifter, slumlord, and rat fink. Bob was born on Jan 06,1958 in the backseat of a Chevy Volvo that had broken down just west of the Kanawha Canal. His mother had abandoned his supple fetus on the peeling interior paint of the car's floorboard. Condemned to die and left to fend for himself; the young child was miraculously rescued by a tribe of traveling gypsies.
Early Life & Bio As a child reared by gypsies, Bob was taught how to survive using their methods. Young Bob quickly learned the ways of trickery and seemed to have a knack for pulling petty scams. At age six he was able to lure his pet hamster from its wheel under the pretense that he had a delicious pellet for it. When the hamster came out to retrieve the pellet, Bob quickly seized the small animal and proceeded to sodomize it thoroughly. At age twelve he switched his focus from animals and began scamming people. Bob found it exceptionally easy to take advantage of trusting young women; and used to brag about stealing their panties and parading around in them at night in the forest. Bob roamed the country side swindling and hustling in every village he could con his way into. Then in 1974 at age sixteen; realizing he had learned all that he could from the gypsy tribe, Bob decided to take his act solo. That afternoon he collected all the kerosene from the camp site and waited for night fall. Once the moon was up and all the gypsies were sound asleep inside their tents, he began drenching them all with the kerosene. As Bob took one last look at the gentle people who had rescued him, he gathered all their valuables in a sack and lit a match. Bob ran away into the night snickering as he heard the agonizing screams of the gypsy people echoing through the once quiet woodlands.
Once on his own, Bob took to the big city where he tried putting some of the scams he had devised himself into play. Although seemingly brilliant to Bob's small mind the scams proved to be amateurish and brought in little revenue. He was scraping up nickels and dimes coning orphanages and rest homes with an occasional graveyard robbery, but he knew he would have to invest more into his hustle if he wanted to be a success.
Marriage In 1985 Bob upped his game when he married a negro broad who was a was in the real-estate business. This finally allowed him to pull the type of scams that were truly worthy of him. Due to his vast criminal record and poor credibility he was never able to obtain a loan or open a bank account, but now it seemed he had an unlimited amount of resources through his new wife's name. Bob began opening fraudulent checking accounts using several different aliases through many different agencies. He was known as Mohammad Shareem to Fairmont Federal Credit Union, as Omar Inquiarido Labar at First Exchange, and even appeared in drag to cash checks at BB&T under the name of Agnes Caroline.
Prison Record and Criminal History Bob was apprehended while coming out of the BB&T bank dressed as Agnes Caroline. The police discovered many false identification cards on his persons along with a fake passport and bus pass, as well as a large bag of cocaine that was hidden deep inside his rectum. Bob was facing convection of many charges including falsifying documents, tax evasion, racketeering, embezzlement, identity theft, uttering, assault with the intent to rape, malicious animal porn, butt piracy, and harboring known terrorists on his properties.
Bob the Slumlord Perhaps the most chilling and notorious of all Bob's machinations was his advent into slum lording. After Bob's first incarceration for identity fraud, he waved his right to a preliminarily hearing and evaded prison time by performing felacio on many of the male guards. Once released, he was able to continue his schemes, this time buying up many dilapidated properties. Bob went to work and repaired a single room to a reasonable condition and begun using it to show potential tenants. He would display the room to the interested party and then tell them the rest of the building was in the same condition. Upon receiving their deposit and first months rent he would then produce a key to a different room that was in a completely unlivable state. After this he would use insect warfare to chase them out of the apartment or wait for the person to leave and use his spare key to let himself in to flatulate on their floor.
Legacy Bob has done many things in his "business" that have merited him the title "The Nightmare Landlord", he is truly a work of art and an entrepreneur to aspiring scumbags everywhere. Bob has appeared on many popular shows exposing some of his shenanigans such as "Dateline NBC" and World's Scariest Police Rapings".
Double click here to edit this text. Robert Wise: Age 52
Aliases: The Treatment, Con man Bob, The Nightmare Landlord, Bob Lies.
Occupation: Confidence Man
Goals/Objectives: To prey off the blood of the innocent.
Personality type: Bottom Feeder
Personal Motto: "I'm not happy until my tenants are not happy".